Lately I haven't been updating as often as I was a month ago. I've been working a lot more hours than normal recently, and unfortunately have fallen behind my goal of at least one review per week (generally I try to do more). I apologize, but at least I'm making some extra money so I'll be able to afford a few more DVDs and film books than normal!
Also, almost an entire month ago I was awarded, by two fantastic blogs (Cinebeats and Flickhead), the Thinking Blogger's Award! I, as it seems like a lot of the blogging community, am not too keen on memes, but I'm very flattered that I received this great acknowledgment, yet alone twice! It's always really great to hear people comment that they appreciate what you're doing, so I'm finally following up on this like I was planning on doing long ago.
To begin, there are certain rules you have to follow:
Thinking Blogger’s Award Rules
- If, and only if your blog is one that is tagged on my list below, you must write a post with links to five other blogs you like that consistently make you think (hence, the Thinking Blogger’s Award).
- Link to this post so people will know whose good idea all this was.
- Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” logo with a link to the post you wrote.

I'm generally remarkably bad at following rules as far as these things go, but surprisingly, this time I'm actually imposing another rule upon myself: I'm not going to name any blogs that have, to my knowledge, already received the award. Of course, I don't read every blog on the internet, but I figure the addition of this rule can help generate more linkage for more people!
I also have to clarify that every blog on my blogroll makes me think, and I fully support all of them, plus many more great blogs that I don't link, so this is just small taste. Like Kimberly at Cinebeats, I would also recommend checking out each and every site that I link! And now, on with it!
1. Ombres Blanches
I found Ombres Blanches through another favorite blog that has already recieved the Thinking Blogger's Award; Jahsonic. Andrej's blog takes very interesting looks into all types of culture, from literature to film, to art, and more. He seems to share really similar aesthetics to me in terms of what he blogs about, so I can always count on his posts to be both informative and interesting; and amid a sea of culture there aren't that many people whose interests seem to mesh with mine very well! He's also been utterly helpful to me in tracking down some out of print books and articles, and he has spoken enthusiastically about contributing to the Esotika website once I get it off the ground.
2. I'm In a Jess Franco State of Mind
Bob Monell is, in my mind, one of the definite authority on Franco films, and he shares his thoughts and comments on the man through this blog. He also comments about other films, often including connections to Franco films. Since this summer I have moved from being very enthusiastic about Franco to being completely obsessed with Franco, his blog is always helpful and makes me think.
3. Giallo Fever
K H Brown runs this wonderful blog that continues very detailed, intelligent reviews of every possible gialli film you could think of; and if it's not there yet, it undoubtedly will be soon! He also has very insightful comments on genre related books, as well as posing somewhat overarching questions about genre films themselves that always get me thinking.
4. Desistfilm
Desistfilm is a new film blog published by one of my real life acquaintances, Ron Felton. Ron used to live a few doors down from my house, and it was always a great time talking to him about how absurd current culture is, and it was always nice to have "intellectual" conversations with an actual person. He just recently got into film, and it seems that he always has something insightful to say. He's recently told me that he found himself only wanting to review films that he hated (he finds it easier apparently), and he doesn't like the attitude that presents, so he was stopping. However, I'm hoping that with some encouragement he'll continue!
5. Documents
Documents is a blog that often publishes insightful posts about two of my favorite things: Georges Bataille and black metal. Not only does he talk about these two things, but he often successfully connects themes between the two, which never ceases to amaze me, since he's always spot on with his connections. Of course, Georges Bataille and black metal are not the only two things he blogs about, his blog also approaches culture in great ways.
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